Buenos is a University Educational Nutshell Operating System
Buenos is a small operating system skeleton which can be used as a base for operating systems project courses. Buenos runs in a machine simulator called YAMS, which is also available here.
YAMS is a machine simulator which emulates the MIPS32 architecture CPU close enough (should be fully compliant, but we can't claim that it is) to allow cross compilation with standard MIPS32 compiler back-ends. YAMS also provides a very simple device interface to the simulated memory, disks, network interfaces, terminals and a real-time clock.
To use Buenos and YAMS, cross compilation build of GCC is needed to compile mips32-elf binaries. Here are instructions on how to build cross compiling GCC for Buenos.
Recent news:
[2023-01-21] YAMS 1.4.3 released
This bugfix release fixes the incorrect disassembly of the J and JAL instructions.